Category: Political Violence

  • How Do We Keep The New Civil War From Killing More Innocent People?

    In the last article, I discussed some recent history and made the case that the United States is basically already in a civil war, but with the levels of violence on an upward trend. In another article, I explained why I think the chances for a big uptick in violence are higher than they’ve ever…

  • We All Know What Real Civil War Looks Like Because It’s Already Going

    Recently, a trailer came out for the upcoming film Civil War. For those who haven’t seen it yet, let’s take a look at it first: While it looks like it’ll be a very entertaining film, it doesn’t really square with the reality of civil wars in the 21st century. The idea that we’d see large…

  • Preparing For Possible Election Violence

    The more political parts of the internet are pretty wild right now. Multiple media outlets said Trump’s headed for dictatorship, and then he made a really dumb comment that stoked those fears even further. At the same time, people on the right think that Biden is trying to manipulate and steal the 2024 election. With…